LFS302 - Building Scientific Workbench Environments | Gavin Medley's Blog

LFS302 - Building Scientific Workbench Environments

Claims (Hypotheses)

  • Scientists need a scalable workbench environment. I’m actually not sure I agree with this.
  • Emphasis on biology
  • Deploying custom algorithms (analysis algorithms, not processing algos)


  • Easy and efficient access to data
  • Accessing third party data securely
  • Allowing scientists to experiment with their data but selectively deploy working algorithms and workflows
  • Catering to scientists who are not experts in coding or ML
  • Carrying Jupyter notebooks into production deployments (hmmm…)

Blocker and Challenges

  • What is our biggest challenge? Providing scientists a good prototyping environment that we can transition into the production processing environment. Workspaces might be a good solution. Multi-tenant Jupyter could be another.
  • Workspaces: lowest common denominator that works for any needs, provided the scientist knows how to set up their own dev environment.
  • Jupyter: Easier to use but limited. Scientists will need to use a separate environment to package their code into Docker.