Posts | Gavin Medley's Blog

re:Invent23 Lessons Learned for Next Year

Professional Stuff Reserve Sessions Sessions are available for reservation starting in like, July. Reserve as many (non-overlapping) sessions as you can as early as you can. You can always cancel them (or just not show up) if something better appears. The non-reserved seats open up 10 minutes before the start of the session (and that’s when reservations expire) but there is usually a 50-200 person line of walk-ups by that point so if you plan to walk up to a session, get there an hour early if you want to ensure you get a seat.
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LFS302 - Building Scientific Workbench Environments

Claims (Hypotheses) Scientists need a scalable workbench environment. I’m actually not sure I agree with this. Emphasis on biology Deploying custom algorithms (analysis algorithms, not processing algos) Challenges Easy and efficient access to data Accessing third party data securely Allowing scientists to experiment with their data but selectively deploy working algorithms and workflows Catering to scientists who are not experts in coding or ML Carrying Jupyter notebooks into production deployments (hmmm…) Blocker and Challenges What is our biggest challenge?
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SEC218 - Setting Up AWS Org Policies

Managing AWS IAM permissions centrally using AWS Orgs. Background Orgs allow centralized control of accounts from a top level account. Customize your environment by applying policies from the Org account. Centralizes billing. Organization > Organization root > Organizational unit > Account Policies attach to the whole Org, OUs, or individual accounts Policies work on an inheritance model. Higher level policies seem to trump lower level policies. Best Practices for Orgs Use many accounts (they are free, duh).
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AES303 - Ground Station SDRs in the Cloud

Software Defined Radios Components conventially implemented in hardware, now in software, including things like modems. demodulation decoding frame and packet processing reporting and analytics SDRs require hardware acceleration because signal processing is embarassingly parallel, e.g. FGPAs, GPUs, or specialized instruction sets. EC2 accelerated instances are available for this. FPGAs for SDR After an ADC converts an analog signal to digital, the signal needs to be processed (highly parallelizable): Enter FPGAs Custom programmable Highly parallelized compute High bus bandwidth …transitioned to a demo.
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DAT329 - DynamoDB Schema Design

Schema Design Primary keys are a Primary Key and an optional Sort Key. Global Secondary Index is just another index consisting of a Primary Key and an optional Sort Key. Always include primary index attributes in GSIs so you can do a reverse lookup with your primary key. ECommerce Platform Example In this example, we seem to be designing a Dynamo schema for a particular application. Define access patterns to inform schema design.
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This Lenovo X230 from 2011 Is Amazing!

I need a Linux laptop I recently started taking a graduate embedded systems class at my local university. (I get to take classes for free because I’m a university employee. It’s awesome. Consider working for a university.). Anyway, the IDE we use is not well supported on MacOS so the laptop I have for work was not cutting it. I needed a laptop that could run Linux or Windows but Windows costs money.
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Human thought might not be as complicated as we assumed

A Writing Exercise (Meta) People say that when you first start writing, you can pretty much guarantee that you will produce crap that no one wants to read. The sample below is well outside my realm of real expertise that I really don’t think much of it. This is purely an exercise to get myself writing. How LLMs Think With all the recent buzz surrounding large language models (LLMs) and AI generally, I’ve been doing a lot of armchair thinking about how people think.
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